Our future with COVID-19

To our valued members, our union brothers and sisters, our friends and family…

As we enter into an increasingly stressful and challenging time, it is important to try and stay informed with the barrage of continuously changing information and newly implemented measures by the federal and provincial governments, as well as the employer.

I have trust and confidence that we will overcome and persevere, however we will undoubtedly all know and care for someone that this issue will profoundly impact.

We will strive to assist with the many questions our local membership likely all have.  The safety of our members is our top priority.

As this continues to unfold, we will do our best to meet all challenges head on, together.

In Solidarity

Your Union Executive



Hit the arrows to expand info for each – I will try and update this post with any information we receive that is not widely already available.

Ontario Ministry of Health - Daily Updates
 Below is a useful link to the Ministry of Health that conveniently provides daily updates about current cases and measures taken in Ontario.

It displays

  • The status of current cases in Ontario
  • General info on the virus itself
  • How to protect yourself
  • Information specific to health care professionals
  • Travellers returning from affected areas

..and much more.  Please keep up to date and keep informed as it appears that the changes will continue to be very rapid.

here is the link…

Ontario Ministry of Health – daily updates


CUPE Quarantine Information
 Here is an informative document created by the CUPE National Health and Safety Rep, Paul Sylvestre.

It details what impact you may have specifically in terms of your employment, how that may be affected and what rights and benefits you have.

It discusses rights to receiving pay, benefits, WSIB claims, as well as how and where to self isolate.

please hit the link and read the document… keep informed and stay safe.

in solidarity…



Legal opinion regarding worker rights

Cupe has received this important legal opinion from the CaleyWray law firm out of Toronto

The letter is in regards to your rights as an employee of a trade union and discusses within:

  • What occurs if your employer sends you home or suspends operations
  • Employment Insurance
  • How your Collective Agreement may impact your being off work

Please hit the link and view the letter.

COVID-19 Legal opinion on workers rights


Work refusal information



Additional information

COVID 19 Q&A – Health Care Worker’s

CUPE Q&A – Income support for workers


Ontario takes additional measures to protect first responders