
CUPE 2974 represents the workers of:

  • Municipal Workers of the Corporation of the County of Essex
  • Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services
  • Seacliff Manor

Our national union is the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which is Canada’s largest union, with over 700,000 members from coast to coast. CUPE represents workers in health care, emergency services, education, early learning and child care, municipalities, social services, libraries, utilities, transportation, airlines and more. CUPE members who work for municipalities maintain roads, operating water and sewage plants, performing clerical and technical duties, installing and repairing traffic lights, delivering social services, maintaining our parks, picking up garbage and keeping our streets clean.


Contact Your Union Executive

President – James Jovanovic
Vice President – Lindsay Simpson
Recording Secretary – Jason Renaud
Secretary Treasurer – Lisa Seguin
– secretarytreasurer2974@cupe2974.com
Sergeant at Arms – Jeffree Culver

2974.1 Sub-Unit Chairperson

  • Currently Vacant

2974.2 Sub-Unit Co-Chairs

2974.3 Sub-Unit Chairperson

CUPE National Rep for County of Essex – Joel Bentley
CUPE National Rep for Seacliff Manor – Carrie Withers



  • Brad Brown
  • Chris Deschaine

Bylaw Committee

Social Committee


CUPE Equality Statement

CUPE Executive