Welcome to the official CUPE 2974 website. We are continuing to look at any and all ways of connecting and communicating with our members, and we are happy to provide this site as a springboard to a more united workforce. This site will continue to act as a central hub of sharing as much news and information as possible with aims of also providing a stronger voice for all members of this local.
There has been a lot of change and adapting for everyone recently. As the union transitions in some new executive members, we just want everyone to know that you have the full support of the executive, should you ever need anything. Everyone, stay vigilant, and we will remain resilient in keeping ahead of the pandemic. Our thoughts are with everyone and their families during these challenging times.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to one of your local union representatives.
Take care and stay safe
In Solidarity,
Your Union Executive